PlugNPlay VIP Day

Effortlessly streamline your business with our PlugNPlay VIP Day, where your idea gets turned to reality in just one session. Experience the ultimate in hassle-free integration, tailored just for you.

You bring the vision, I’ll sort the tech.

You excel at what you do, providing rock-solid services that set your clients' worlds alight. I get it—you're here to shine, not to get tangled in tech troubles. You're thinking, "Can't I just focus on delivering transformative experiences without the biz operation headaches?" Let's cut through that noise, leaving you to do what you do best.

Sounds like you? How about this…

You probably have a killer program or product idea collecting dust in your notebook, right? Waiting for that elusive “free time” between the endless grind to decode the tech maze yourself—yeah, it feels like gibberish. Whether it’s launching an online course, running a giveaway, or hosting a summit to attract those perfect clients, or maybe you’ve crafted a lead magnet that’s sure to be a hit but you’re clueless about making it look slick and professional, let alone embedding a signup form on your site and linking it to your email system… don’t sweat it, I’m here for you.


Pam Ivey here, ready to lift the heavy tech load with slick automation and funnels, gorgeous websites, graphic design, and more, meshing online marketing and visual magic to make fans (and clients) stick with you for life.

But let’s face it: It’s a tech jungle out there. Overwhelming, baffling, and kinda soul-draining to untangle, right?

What you need is the lowdown in simple, bite-sized chunks. Better yet, someone to kickstart the magic for you.

And, you needed help, like, yesterday.

Just Some of the Things I Can Implement For You

If you don't see what you're looking for in this list, do shoot me an email. These are simply examples of the types of projects I can take on.

Set up a system to attract and capture leads to attract more qualified leads, increasing the potential for sales and revenue.

If you have your copy written and ready to go, I can have your website done in a day!

Develop and implement automated email marketing or social media campaigns to engage and grow the audience.

Design and set up sales funnels that guide potential customers from awareness to purchase, including landing pages, lead magnets, and follow-up emails.

Create and implement an affiliate marketing strategy to boost revenue and market reach through partnerships and referral marketing.

Create a members-only area with exclusive content and features to build community and generate recurring revenue through exclusive content.

Integrate a platform for online learning, including course creation and management features to expand revenue streams, providing scalable and accessible learning options.

Set up and integrate payment processing systems for easy transactions, simplifying financial transactions, enhancing customer trust and operational efficiency.

Just ask! 🙂

What if I told you there’s a powerhouse tool waiting to zap away your entrepreneurial headaches?

Skip the tech torment with a click.


So, what’s the PlugNPlay VIP Day?

It’s something I just love to do –  giving you my undivided attention, creativity and tech mojo for a solid day. (And you won’t believe how much we can get done in just one single day!)

We’ll plot out the action plan in advance, then dive deep on D-Day, making every minute count. No fluff, just tailored, impactful work.

The PlugNPlay VIP Day Process

Ready to roll? Hit that apply button and fill out the short and easy form to get the ball rolling. I'll review your info and if we're a match, I'll touch base to set the stage for your game-changing day. Let’s do this!
We'll meet for 60-90 minutes to nail down priorities for our day. We'll deep-dive into the specifics, and hey, if you're unsure, I've got plenty of ideas. Post-chat, I'll whip up a Project Plan, ensuring we squeeze every bit of value out of our time.
VIP Day!
VIP Day is where the magic happens. We'll dive deep into your business, transforming tech chaos into streamlined success, all in one action-packed day. Get ready to elevate your digital game and see immediate results!
It's a Wrap (Up)
It's a Wrap! means we’ve nailed it. We’ll debrief, celebrate your wins, and ensure you're all set to thrive with your new tech setup. You're now ready to conquer the digital world with ease. And remember, you'll also receive 14 days of support.


Typically, my VIP clients are either:

  • Overwhelmed DIY warriors craving clarity and action: You need someone to just freakin’ do it.
  • Idea generators short on time, big on dreams, and needing an expert touch to keep the momentum.



Endless possibilities, but here’s the scoop:

Check out the list above, which is by no means an exhaustive one, and let me know if there’s something you want that isn’t there and I’ll let you know if I can do it for you. Easy? Yup. That’s what I’m all about.


Hit up the FAQs, or apply for a PlugNPlay VIP Day to see if we click.


You’re the perfect fit! Relax. 🙂 We’ll strategize in a pre-VIP day pow-wow to pinpoint your profit-maxing strategies.


  • Ready with a lead magnet or offer but struggling with the tech setup?
  • Upcoming launch but the tech’s a maze?
  • Keen on funnels but clueless on the synergy?
  • Dipping your toes into automation, email lists, and CRM but need a roadmap?
  • Chasing a reliable lead follow-up system (because yeah, that’s where the treasure is)?
  • Created a product, program or service but don’t have snazzy graphics to show it at its best?
  • Jumbled email contacts or tech snags in your online course?
  • You, the relentless bottleneck in your business, craving smooth sailing?


  • Strategic pre-consult to set the scene
  • Custom project plan
  • My relentless focus on your biz for one whole day
  • Post-day wrap-up
  • 14 days of follow-up support



Let’s get your implementation and tech headaches sorted and your business flourishing. PlugNPlay VIP style. 🫰🏽

Let Go of the Tech and Implementation Hassles and Headaches. I've Got You.

Say goodbye to the stress of tech setups and intricate system integrations. With me on your side, you'll navigate the digital landscape effortlessly, focusing on what you do best while I handle the complex tech details.