Episode 39: Strategic Planning to Achieve Your Business Goals in 2022

Episode 39 Show Notes

December is just around the corner and before you even know it, we are already starting a new year. How exciting! 

Right now is the perfect time to start planning strategically and setting up goals that can help you improve and maximize your income. 

In this episode, Pam and Jane give us tips on what to look for when evaluating and creating a strategic plan for your business. They go over everything: what you should consider and what you should be aware of in order to get the best out of your 2022.

Today we discuss:

  • [01:30] Effective planning for 2022. What should you look at when planning for next year’s strategy.
  • [05:01] Setting up realistic and ambitious goals for 2022. From vision to tactics!
  • [11:13] Your why as an entrepreneur: Why are you choosing to do this instead of anything else.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Strategic planning is the job of a CEO, but not many know how to do it. Improve your CEO skills with our assessment now!

Take our free assessment and tell us, do you think like a CEO? 

Thank you for listening to this episode of Flourish+Grow to CEO! We hope this short and sweet episode has given you a solid foundation on strategic planning to help you achieve your goals. 

Don’t forget to rate and subscribe to this podcast on the platform you prefer and leave us a comment in the comment section telling us what was your favorite part from today’s episode. We would love to hear from you!

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