Episode 36: The Art of Feminine Marketing with Coach Julie Foucht

Episode 36 Show Notes

‘Business is about going out there and making things happen!’ Have you ever heard something like this before? Because we sure have and, as women business owners, sometimes it can be a little exhausting to only lean on our masculine energy that wants to hustle and move forwards 24/7. Sometimes we need to get back to our feminine energy.

In this episode, we tap into this with Feminine Marketing coach Julie Foucht. Julie is a successful business coach who tripled her income in less than a year by learning and doing marketing like a man (Impressive!), but that made her miss the creative flow, so she found another way, the feminine way!

Julie now hosts The Art of Feminine Marketing podcast and teaches other women how to use their skills to fulfill their divine purpose.

Today we discuss:

  • [01:23] Introduction to Julie Foucht, who teaches us about the art of female marketing.
  • [04:01] What is feminine marketing and how is it different from traditional marketing. A little bit of history of women in business.
  • [11:01] How to succeed in feminine marketing without getting overwhelmed by the new trends and shiny objects. 
  • [19:50] Practical tips to finding a balance between your feminine and masculine energy to take action and check your To-do list more efficiently.
  • [26:28] How to attract new people to your community. Transmitting your energy in your copy.
  • [33:44] Rapid fire questions with Julie Foucht. 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Find more about Feminine Marketing coach Julie Foucht on social media. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Or go to her website Julie Foucht to find a balance between your feminine and masculine energy.

And if you want to know more about feminine marketing, go check out Julie’s podcast The Art of Feminine Marketing. It’s a delight to listen to her! 

Don’t forget we have a free assessment to test if your mindset corresponds to that of a CEO. It’s simple, do you think like a CEO?

Take our free assessment now and find it out! 

Thank you for listening to this episode of Flourish+Grow to CEO! We hope it has given you some tips about feminine marketing to start doing things your way!

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