Ideal Client Avatars: Yes or No?

I’ve been driving back and forth to my mom’s quite a bit lately, which gives me a total of 5 hours to listen to a great number of podcasts.

Over the last couple of drives, I’ve heard a few of these podcasters or their guests talking about ideal client avatars and saying they don’t agree with them or don’t like them – won’t use them. They’ve exclaimed that using a ficticious person is not useful.

I agree… to a point.

I AM a HUGE proponent of using an Ideal Client Avatar. The difference? The avatar we teach our clients to create is NOT ficticious. It’s based on the client’s favourite past clients, and a lot of research on, and talking to, real live people that they think would make a dream client. The persona created is done so using facts, the language they use, their values – getting to the core of who they are.

Why is an Ideal Client Avatar critical for your marketing?

Ideal Client AvatarsWhen done properly, an ideal client avatar can be used as the guide for all of your marketing. <– YES! It’s that important. I truly believe that with all my heart. (Not to mention all my marketing professors told me so. =)

Through in-depth research, you’ll learn what really makes your prospects tick. What motivates them. What makes them excited. What they fear. Where they’re stuck or have problems. Where your expertise or service can really fit in. So, it can also develop programs, products or services that your prospective clients and customers actually need.

An added bonus: Really honing down on your ideal client, will allow you to know instantly if a prospect you’re speaking with is really right for you.

Ready to work on your avatar(s)? Download this FREE super comprehensive workbook – The Only Avatar Workbook You’ll Ever Need.

Let us know in the comments below if you have an ideal client avatar for your business. If you do, how do you use it to connect with your community and prospects.

Pam Ivey | Flourish + Grow to CEO

Pam Ivey is co-founder of Flourish + Grow to CEO, and is a coach, trainer and strategist for women business owners, particularly those aged 40+, who always feel busy but just can’t seem to cross that elusive 6-figures, creating a sustainable business. Many are what we here at Flourish call, “Gig Masters”. Often service-based owners that work from client to client, and project to project, with little or no recurring, reliable income. Through coaching, masterminds and private one-on-one consulting, Flourish helps women build sustainable businesses that not only provides but also thrives, providing the lifestyle they desire.